Yesterday, due to forecast weather conditions, the 80m session of GAARES-P2P Net was cancelled for this morning. However, weather passed through Georgia much earlier than anticipated. Although some weather still remains in the southeastern part of the state, most of the state is now clear of thunderstorm activity.
NCS WG4PTP is now on the air to accept net check-ins on the 80m frequency, as originally scheduled. Although technically cancelled, any check-ins on 80m will be counted today. WG4PTP will be on 80m until 10:00 and then switch to the 40m session.
NOTE: Feel free to send short check-in messages with any significant weather damage in your area from the storm. Make those comments concise and place them in the comments section. If you send the originally scheduled checkin for this week, the Winlink Check-out form, you may include those comments in the Comments section of that form.
As stated yesterday: NOTE: SAFETY IS THE TOP PRIORITY FOR ALL OPERATORS. NEVER OPERATE RADIOS WHEN THUNDERSTORMS ARE IN THE VICINITY. Unplug the radio and the power supply and disconnect antennas from the radio before thunderstorms approach. NCS Ops will be doing the same thing. If you call WG4PTP and there is no answer, one or both of the operators are probably unplugged due to lightning. Wait awhile and try again.
David – ND1J
GAARES-P2P Net Manager