Join Us
– AMATEUR RADIO EMERGENCY SERVICE (ARES) is a volunteer organization. There are no dues or membership fees associated with being part of ARES. The only qualification, other than possession of an Amateur Radio license, is a sincere desire to serve.
– To join ARES, please fill out an ARES membership form and take it to a meeting of your local ARES group.
– If your local ARES group has an application form that requires additional information over the standard ARRL form, complete that as needed.
– If you have questions about GA ARES, please complete this form, and the appropriate personnel will get in touch with you.
– If you want to help in an emergency situation where GA ARES is involved, please let us know how you can assist with your emergency communications needs.
– The Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) is an entity of and operates under the auspices of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL). You are not required to exclude yourself or resign from membership in other emergency communication (EmComm) programs or activities because of your involvement in ARES.
– The actual intent and spirit of ARES is meant to foster cooperative assistance and training with any formal or informal program or activity that assists or directly serves the common good in the community, county, state (AuxComm), federal entity (FEMA, MARS, etc.), or Volunteer Organization (ARC, SATERN, etc.). This cooperation with other EmComm entities is well documented on the ARRL web site.
– There are, however, special purpose programs in ARES – Mutual Assistance Team, Strike Team, and Hospital network, that have the expectation of commitment to service and engagement. Some of the EmComm roles are critical to the group’s response in a real emergency. Successful and reputable response to a significant emergency is not possible without committed leaders and communicators. If critical personnel cannot meet the expectation of committed service, they should step down or be replaced.
A Section-wide Net is held every Sunday afternoon at 22:00 UTC (6:00 pm during Eastern Daylight Time(summer) and 5:00pm during Eastern Standard Time(winter)) on 3.975 MHz LSB. This is a directed net. Please follow the instructions of the Net Control Station. Local GA ARES groups typically have weekly voice and digital communications nets. For more information, go to the Calendar.
Georgia ARES has a Section-wide meeting annually, usually in late winter. Notice of the meeting will be placed on this website and announcements made via the Georgia ARES reflector and Section-wide nets.
ARES Badge
The following training is not required to be a member of GA ARES, but it is required to be a full participant in events, activities, and deployment during actual emergencies.
State ARES Badge Requirements/Info
Additional ARES Information
ARES Information From ARRL
ARES Task Book
FCC Rules and Regulations Part 97
Training from ARRL
Training from FEMA