This update is as of 1540 EDT Saturday afternoon. Please read and also watch for updates again tonight and/or tomorrow morning.
The National Weather Service is forecasting a significant weather event throughout much of Georgia, starting late tonight into tomorrow mid to late morning. Strong thunderstorms are a certainty. In addition to thunderstorms, NWS is forecasting high to even severe surface winds outside thunderstorm areas, as well as a significant possibility of tornadoes.
Both GAARES-P2P NCS operators will probably be impacted by these storms, particularly in the morning. Therefore, the 80m session from 0800-1000 is cancelled. At this time, we anticipate conducting the Net on 40m, starting at 10:00. However, this will depend on the weather situation. There will be an update in the morning and possibly later tonight, posted here and on
NOTE: SAFETY IS THE TOP PRIORITY FOR ALL OPERATORS. NEVER OPERATE RADIOS WHEN THUNDERSTORMS ARE IN THE VICINITY. Unplug the radio and the power supply and disconnect antennas from the radio before thunderstorms approach. NCS Ops will be doing the same thing. If you call WG4PTP and there is no answer, one or both of the operators are probably unplugged due to lightning. Wait awhile and try again.
At this time, the check-in process will be as directed in the Net Update, published on Wednesday. There is a possibility this might change tomorrow, depending on the circumstances, so please check for updates before trying to check in.
Make preparations for the storm, have a good shelter plan, and be safe!
David – ND1J