Thanks to all for a great P2P net today. Updated numbers: 39 stations checked in with a total of 54 messages. Great, considering the NCS callsign had to be changed late the night before. Congrats to all of you for your diligence in checking the and websites for updates!
NEXT WEEK: Sun Sep 29th is the last net before the SET (Simulated Emergency Test) on Sat, Oct 5th. Be sure to check into this net. The check-in will be slightly different. You will include your “anticipated” participation level for the SET so that we can do some advance planning for P2P taskings. This will be in the subject line.
The NCS Callsign will be WX4PTC next week and for the SET. Be sure to look at the postings for the net mid to late week for some refinements. 500-Hz bandwidth becomes mandatory next week. Easy to set up if you have not done so already. Only three stations today used 2300-Hz. Thanks to all who changed over. When sending messages back out to a P2P station, this saves some aggravation with NCS, not having to change bandwidths twice.
Please, do not check the box “request message receipt” in check-in messages. We acknowledge all check-ins so this is unneeded.
We had a few stations forget to use the P2P Session (not the Winlink Session) and a few false starts with messages not being sent. That’s ok, we have all done this a few times. Try to remember to make the message a P2P message before posting it to the outbox and get in the habit of looking in the outbox at the message, after it is posted. Look for the (P2P) after the recipient’s callsign to verify it is a P2P message.
Remember, always expect that you might get a message back from NCS when you check in. After the disconnect, make sure you look at the screen or inbox to see if a message is there. This is critically important during the upcoming SET.
See you next week!
David – ND1J
GAARES-P2P Net Manager