March 28, 2024
The following information was provided by Robert Burton, W4YDC - DEC National Weather Service
I'm very pleased to announce that NWS Peachtree City/Atlanta will be hosting our first official area-wide Advanced Spotter Training class on Thursday, March 28th from 11:00am to ~1:00pm.
This will be a virtual class that is open to anyone interested, but we strongly recommend attending one of our "basic" level spotter classes first. There are still several opportunities to make that happen between now and the 28th -- please visit our local Skywarn page to see the upcoming class schedule.
To register for this Advanced class, please visit our local Skywarn page "class schedule" -- see above link -- or simply click here.
Please feel free to share this with your respective internal public safety groups AS WELL AS the general public. You are more than welcome to use the attached "promotional flyer" to help market the class.
And finally, some of the topics we'll cover include:
- Review of basic spotter class materials
- A deeper look at severe weather forecasting/parameters (a more comprehensive discussion of atmospheric conditions that support severe weather)
- Understanding of Doppler radar "signatures and products" pertaining to convection and severe storms -- especially across the SE region (and Georgia)
- Discussion of tools and resources to use to monitor and track severe weather.
We're excited about this opportunity to host this class. If you have any immediate questions, please let me know.
Have a great day!
David J. Nadler
Warning Coordination Meteorologist
NWS Peachtree City/Atlanta GA
770-486-1133 (x223)