As the severe storms approach Georgia, the following GA ARES plans are in place:
- GA ARES will open a Winlink net at 19:00 today. Address messages to the tactical callsign GAARES-NET. This net is for emergency traffic that needs to be forwarded to WX4GMA when communication with local authorities is not available.
- All Skywarn reports should be delivered to your local net or to the linked repeater system net.
- If you have any weather-related items to report such as trees or power lines down, please call your local authorities, NWS, or contact your Skywarn net if activated. Local authorities should be your first priority if assistance is needed.
- A D-Star net will operate on 3A.
- GA AUXCOMM will be monitoring D-Star on 3A and 3.975 MHz for any emergency traffic that needs to be delivered to GEMA. There will be no GA ARES HF net this evening.
- GA ARES may activate an HF net on 3.975 MHz tomorrow morning after storm passes to handle additional traffic. This decision will be based on conditions at that time.
- NWS contact information is on their website at . NWS Peachtree City phone 770-486-1133 or email or through Slack (if approved).
As the situation changes, additional content will be added to this post as needed. New information will be added at the top of the page with a date and time stamp. Check this website often for updates.