Attached is the State level plan for the Simulated Emergency Training exercise for October 5, 2024. The plan includes information for the State level Net Control Stations and for local groups to plan activities relevant to their situation and training needs. Please distribute to all ARES members on your roster.
The topic related to the Microsoft Teams meeting is for coordination between State Net Control Stations and other members of the control team. No meeting invitation will be sent to all GA ARES members.
A net schedule will be sent later. On the day of the exercise expect messages/notifications for tasks not outlined in the attached document. The goal is to adjust and accomplish tasks that are not part of the initial plan. That is how incidents unfold.
Please get in the habit of checking the GA ARES website. Posts with information about the exercise theme will start to appear after 18:00 local time on Friday, October 4. Posts will continue through the early part of Saturday morning, October 5.