Please read carefully the message from Steve Waterman, K4CJX.
We need to keep a clear Part 97.221(b) for any individual or agency needing to use Winlink for EmComm on our US Ham bands.
28.120-28.189 MHz
24.925-24.930 MHz
21.090-21.100 MHz
18.105-18.110 MHz
14.0950-14.0995 MHz, 14.1005-14.112 MHz
10.140-10.150 MHz
7.100-7.105 MHz
3.585-3.600 MHz
Considering that our occupied bandwidth for protocols used is between 2.3KHz and 2.75 KHz, and that we share these segments with others, we don’t have much wriggle room!
Lastly, a US end-user may also use RMS gateways from other countries that will appear outside these segments since they are present as a control operator (not under automatic control). This would include the RMS gateways in Canada, Mexico, ITU sponsored gateways in Central America and the Caribbean.
Steve, k4cjx